
The Tulane Information Technology team is dedicated to providing our Tulane WordPress community the best service. We work diligently to minimize as much disruption to our WordPress (WP) sites during routine maintenance and system upgrades. We will post scheduled WP maintenance on this page to better serve our community and keep you informed. 

Routine maintenance on Tulane WP websites is scheduled between 8-9 PM CST on the third Thursday of each month. An email reminder is sent to all WordPress site administrators at least 24 hours before the maintenance window. WP administrators will also receive a confirmation email once the maintenance is complete. If you have not received these communications and want to opt in, please contact

If you experience disruptions longer than the maintenance windows provided, please contact our service desk:

Tulane IT Service Desk
Mon – Fri 7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.  |  Sat – Sun 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. | 504-988-8888 |

Scheduled Maintenance

Upcoming WordPress Downtime
Thursday, January 16, 2024 | 8-9 PM CST

Core Update


Plugins Update

Name Current Version Updated Version
interactive-3d-flipbook-powered-physics-engine 1.16.14 1.16.15
advanced-backgrounds 1.12.6 1.12.7
breadcrumb-navxt 7.3.1 7.4.1
coblocks 3.1.13 3.1.14
coming-soon 6.18.12 6.18.14
contact-form-7 6.0.1 6.0.2
cookie-notice 2.5.4 2.5.5
download-manager 3.3.04 3.3.05
easy-wp-smtp 2.8.0 2.9.0
edit-flow 0.9.8 0.9.9
elementor 3.26.2 3.26.4
mage-eventpress 4.2.8 4.2.9
eventon-lite 2.2.21 2.3
event-tickets 5.18.0
gallery-custom-links 2.2.1 2.2.2
gutenberg 19.9.0 20.0.0
import-users-from-csv-with-meta 1.27.12 1.27.14
users-customers-import-export-for-wp-woocommerce 2.5.9 2.6.0
jetpack 14.1 14.2.1
json-content-importer 1.6.1 2.0.0
mailchimp-for-wp 4.9.20 4.9.21
wp-media-library-categories 2.0.1 2.0.2
meta-box 5.10.5 5.10.6
nextgen-gallery 3.59.7 3.59.8
siteorigin-panels 2.31.2 2.31.3
podcast-player 7.4.8 7.4.9
wp-user-avatar 4.15.19
google-captcha 1.78 1.79
service-box 1.5.7 1.5.8
shortcodes-ultimate 7.3.1 7.3.3
ultimate-addons-for-gutenberg 2.18.0 2.18.1
tablepress 3.0.1 3.0.2
anti-spam 7.3.5 7.3.8
header-footer-elementor 2.0.4 2.0.6
unlimited-elements-for-elementor 1.5.131 1.5.135
woocommerce 9.5.1 9.5.2
woocommerce-paypal-payments 2.9.5 2.9.6
woocommerce-services 2.8.5 2.8.6
woocommerce-payments 8.6.1 8.7.0
wp-hide-show-featured-image 2.3 2.4
wedevs-project-manager 2.6.16 2.6.17
wp-ultimate-csv-importer 7.13.2 7.13.3
wordpress-seo 24.1 24.2

Themes Update

Name Current Version Updated Version
astra 4.8.8 4.8.10
nucleare 2.0.8 2.0.9
specia 13.4 13.7
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